Jabs for Jobs: Initiative in the Workforce

Chris Remington
Published Feb 2, 2024

The United States of America is currently a nation that's split down the middle on the novel coronavirus. Sure, a lot may argue that American citizens have long been partisan and polarized, though nothing like this has ever gripped the nation and caused such a definitive split.

For instance, some Americans are so steadfastly standing for freedom of choice that they're willing to be poor and suffer joblessness if it means still maintaining the right to choose what is put into their bodies.

While there are millions of Americans who disagree with this and think it's silly, the fact of the matter is that many people will not allow themselves to become subjects of medical procedures against their will.

The government realized months ago that half of Americans were going to say no to the vaccine, and that's when they started twisting the arms of companies to mandate vaccinations for employment.

So far, this has been an unmitigated disaster for America's economy, and there are more people willingly jobless today than in the nation's history at any other point.

To put into perspective just how far many Americans have gone to retain what they believe is their freedom, over 4.5 million people walked away and quit their jobs in the month of November alone. With December's reports upcoming any day now, the feeling is that nearly as many did the same thing in December.

People are taking this choice of medical freedom so seriously that they're willing to be broke if it means not having to take medicine from corporations they do not trust.

Though this isn't about where anyone stands on the issue. People are pretty much locked into place over how they feel about this. No, this is all about how it's affecting the American job market and what people can expect going forward.

The Scary Place America is At Now

America is in a very scary place now, and that has nothing to do with the virus. The nationwide labor shortage is said to be over 15 million people, yet somehow the prices on consumer goods are still skyrocketing through the roof, up over 30% since this time last year.

Though why would prices still be going up if payroll is down across the board for most companies? The only way this makes sense is if companies are having to pay more for fuel and shipping and insurance and other expenses, which means that prices would be a lot higher if there were even more employees to pay.

Yes, if America didn't have a labor shortage, then consumer prices could easily be up over 50% now. This means, in simple English, that something costing a $1.00 last year would now be $1.50. If that doesn't scare you, nothing will.

The fact is that America's economy is in a very scary place, and it's made even scarier by the fact that America's mass media refuses to even talk about it. Instead, they drone on about January 6th riots and things the previous president did years ago. There is no actual information coming out about the economy today via mass media.

The Government Calls the Shots

The current federal government is still calling the shots on a day to day level for America's many businesses.

While there are a lot of businesses that will fight against vaccine mandates, most do realize that the government decided on a whim in 2020 to shut down the entire economy, and over 80% of America's businesses were forced to close.

Needless to say, not too many business owners are willing to stand up to a government that can render them extinct with the wave of a hand.

That's not hyperbole at all. Around 50% of the businesses that were forced closed never came back, driving millions of people into severe poverty over what the government claimed were safety concerns over the virus.

Of course, cynical people point out that if it was really about safety concerns, all of those Walmarts and Amazon distribution centers would have also been closed. Instead, their owners and CEOs made literally billions of dollars as Americans were forced to spend money with corporations.

As it pertains to the massive numbers of the jobless now, none of the people who quit are receiving any type of unemployment benefit. Some economic experts suggest that if corporations stop profiting due to Americans being broke, that's the catalyst that will force the government to ease up on mandates so that people can go back to work. Whether or not that's true remains to be seen.

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